BNATM Featured in Publications
Explore the reach and impact of Firefly Neuroscience through featured publications, where our innovative technology has been showcased, from respected scientific journals to prominent healthcare platforms. Dive into the details and see how we're advancing the field of brain health.
Featured Publications

Journal of Affective Disorders Reports
“Evaluating an EEG-based tool for assessing acute clinical and cognitive changes in adult outpatients with MDD treated with open-label, flexible-dose vortioxetine: A pilot study”
- MDD patients showed increased baseline P200 and P300 latencies compared to healthy controls
- Post-treatment MDD latencies were similar to those of controls, and indicated cognitive changes independent of antidepressant effects.
- Automated EEG-based objective assessments can potentially support MDD management and improve outcomes in neuropsychiatric care.

“Identification of an early-stage Parkinson’s disease neuromarker using event-related potentials, brain network analytics and machine-learning”
- The ML algorithm identified a neuromarker with 15 BNA features that discriminated early PD patients from healthy controls, achieving an AUC of 0.79.
- Sensitivity and specificity were 0.74 and 0.73, respectively.
- The five most important features were related to three cognitive functions: early sensory processing (P50 amplitude, N100 latency), filtering of information (P200 amplitude, topographic similarity), and response-locked activity (P-200 topographic similarity).

Frontiers in Neuroscience
“Brain Network Analysis of EEG Recordings Can Be Used to Assess Cognitive Function in Teenagers With 15q13.3 Microdeletion Syndrome”
- 15q13.3 microdeletion patients and healthy age and gender-matched controls performed two auditory-based cognitive tasks assessing executive functions, attention, memory, response inhibition, and sustained attention.
- EEG data were collected and analyzed using Elminda’s BNA version 2.43, with nine out of ten subjects completing the tasks and remaining engaged.
- Subject D001 was excluded from analysis due to difficulty understanding the tasks, suggesting the tasks were appropriately challenging for the cognitive assessment of both patient and control groups.
More Publications
- Zajecka, J., Laufer, O., Peremen, Z., Sholtes, D., Mackey, I., Baumeister, C., White, A., Geva, A.B., Issachar, G. (2024). Evaluating an EEG-based tool for assessing acute clinical and cognitive changes in adult outpatients with MDD treated with open-label, flexible-dose vortioxetine: A pilot study. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 16, 100732.
- Gomez-Mancilla, B., Levy, J.A., Ganesan, S., Faller, T., Issachar, G., Peremen, Z., Laufer, O., Shani-Hershkovich, R., Biliouris, K., Walker, E., Healy, M.P., Sverdlov, O., Desai, S., Ghaemi, S.N., Cha, J.H., Shanker, Y.G. (2023). MIJ821 (onfasprodil) in healthy volunteers: First-in-human, randomized, placebo-controlled study (single ascending dose and repeated intravenous dose). Clinical and Translational Science, 16(11):2236-2252.
- Hassin-Baer, S., Cohen, O. S., Israeli-Korn, S., Yahalom, G., Benizri, S., Sand, D., Issachar, G., Geva, A. B., Shani-Hershkovich, R., & Peremen, Z. (2022). Identification of an early-stage Parkinson’s disease neuromarker using event-related potentials, brain network analytics and machine-learning. PLOS ONE, 17(1), e0261947.
- Stern, T., Crutcher, E. H., McCarthy, J. M., Ali, M. A., Issachar, G., Geva, A. B., Peremen, Z., & Schaaf, C. P. (2021). Brain Network Analysis of EEG Recordings Can Be Used to Assess Cognitive Function in Teenagers With 15q13.3 Microdeletion Syndrome. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 0, 3.
- Sverdlov, O., Curcic, J., Hannesdottir, K., Gou, L., De Luca, V., Ambrosetti, F., Zhang, B., Praestgaard, J., Vallejo, V., Dolman, A., Gomez-Mancilla, B., Biliouris, K., Deurinck, M., Cormack, F., Anderson, J. J., Bott, N. T., Peremen, Z., Issachar, G., Laufer, O. … Jacobs, G. E. (2021). A Study of Novel Exploratory Tools, Digital Technologies, and Central Nervous System Biomarkers to Characterize Unipolar Depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 640741.
- Laufer, O., Geva, A., Ellis, J. D., Barber Foss, K., Ettinger, M., Stern, Y. … Reches, A. (2020). Prospective longitudinal investigation shows correlation of event-related potential to mild traumatic brain injury in adolescents. Brain Injury, 34(7), 871–880.
- Haor, D., Joffe, R., Shavit, R., Peremen, Z., Stern, Y., & Geva, A. B. (2019). Improved Back-Projection Cortical Potential Imaging by Multi-resolution Optimization Technique. Brain Topography, 32(1), 66–79.
- Pizzimenti, N. M., Savino, A. K., & McCarthy, M. T. (2019). Sleep correlates of brain network activation and clinical measures in youth American football players. Translational Sports Medicine, 1–10.
- Biederman, J., Hammerness, P., Sadeh, B., Peremen, Z., Amit, A., Or-Ly, H. … Faraone, S. V. (2017). Diagnostic utility of brain activity flow patterns analysis in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychological Medicine, 1–12.
- Reches, A., Kutcher, J., Elbin, R. J., Or-Ly, H., Sadeh, B., Greer, J. … Kontos, A. P. (2017). Preliminary investigation of Brain Network Activation (BNA) and its clinical utility in sport-related concussion. Brain Injury, 9052(January), 1–10.
- Castillo-Saavedra, L., Gebodh, N., Bikson, M., Diaz-Cruz, C., Brandao, R., Coutinho, L. … Fregni, F. (2016). Clinically Effective Treatment of Fibromyalgia Pain with High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Phase II Open-Label Dose Optimization. Journal of Pain, 17(1), 14–26.
- Myer, G. D., Yuan, W., Barber Foss, K. D., Smith, D., Altaye, M., Reches, A. … Krueger, D. (2016). The effects of external jugular compression applied during head impact exposure on longitudinal changes in brain neuroanatomical and neurophysiological biomarkers: A preliminary investigation. Frontiers in Neurology, 7(JUN), 1–14.
- Stern, Y., Reches, A., & Geva, A. B. (2016). Brain network activation analysis utilizing spatiotemporal features for event related potentials classification. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10(DEC), 1–11.
- Kontos, A. P., Reches, A., Elbin, R. J., Dickman, D., Laufer, I., Geva, A. B. … Collins, M. W. (2016). Preliminary evidence of reduced brain network activation in patients with post-traumatic migraine following concussion. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 10(2), 594–603.
- Reches, A., Nir, R. R., Shram, M. J., Dickman, D., Laufer, I., Shani-Hershkovich, R. … Geva, A. B. (2015). A novel electroencephalography-based tool for objective assessment of network dynamics activated by nociceptive stimuli. European Journal of Pain, n/a-n/a.
- Reches, A., Laufer, I., Ziv, K., Cukierman, G., McEvoy, K., Ettinger, M. … Geva, A. B. (2014). Network dynamics predict improvement in working memory performance following donepezil administration in healthy young adults. NeuroImage, 88, 228–241.
- Reches, A., Levy-Cooperman, N., Laufer, I., Shani-Hershkovich, R., Ziv, K., Kerem, D. … Geva, A. B. (2014). Brain Network Activation (BNA) reveals scopolamine-induced impairment of visual working memory. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 54(1), 59–70.
- Odels, N. E. M., Reches, A., Kerem, D., Gal, N., Laufer, I., Shani-Hershkovich, R. … Geva, A. B. (2013). A Novel ERP Pattern Analysis Method for Revealing Invariant Reference Brain Network Models. Funct Neurol Rehabil Ergon, 3(2–3), 295–317.
- Shahaf, G., Reches, A., Pinchuk, N., Fisher, T., Ben Bashat, G., Kanter, A. … Geva, A. B. (2012). Introducing a novel approach of network-oriented analysis of ERPs, demonstrated on adult attention.

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